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RSForm Frontpage image

The RSForm component from RSJoomla is a very powerful form-creator in Joomla. Besides collecting data to the database, you can send customized emails to both users and admins, and even to others.

To have a form on your website is almost mandatory if you want your visitors to get in contact with you in a simple way.

In this tutorial, we will use the basic contact form that is preinstalled with your RSForm installation. We use the addon plugin from RSForm to display the form. We have also disabled the sending option.


This form is the standard form that comes with the installation of RSForm in Joomla. Let's say that you have some information that only is to be displayed for the Super admins that have access to the published content in the Form Manager. 

This form contains these fields:
  • Name Field
  • Email field
  • Number of employees
  • Position
  • Ways to be contacted
  • Calendar

For an instant, if you want to send an admin email to the sales department to include the email-address in their sending of new emails. You can generate an email that says: 

Please add this email to our archives: {email:value} with the name {name:value}



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