We have collected 3 of the best Editors, some both come in free and paid versions. They all have great add-ons.
As a Joomla user, you already know how vital the Joomla Content Editor extensions are. The Editors is used to add content to your site without knowing HTML. When it comes to the best Joomla content editors, there are a variety of solutions on the internet. It's not that our test will give you the best Editor for your site, but we have tested three.
If you are wondering which one of the Joomla Editor is the best option for your site, we will give you the most used here. It is, however, not a complete list of Editors (JED Directory), but a fair view over the ones witch we mean most Joomla sites uses.
JCE Editor
JCE is a Joomla content editor, and it is one of the best free Joomla editors you can try. It comes with many features. Most of them are in the basic version, this means you get a fully-featured WYSIWYG HTML-editor, but also Code and Preview options in the free version.
Its features include:
- Modern Configuration panel
- Image Manager
- File Manager
- Link management
- Plugin support
- and much more
The Editor comes with its own Administration Interface for Configuration. And you can create multiple Profiles for writer privileges according to access-levels. Both FrontEnd and BackEnd.
For easy configuration, it also comes with functions like buttons. So you can customize it easily after your own needs.
In the Image Manager, you are easily able to upload, rename, and delete files. Besides this, you can do cropping, copying, and pasting of images quite easily. Before putting them into articles, trough the easy interface and self-explaining labels/buttons.
The Editor also contains a powerful Link Manager with the opportunity to quickly make links to related content, external content, or other internal links.
Additionally, you can easily tab between WYSIWYG, code, and preview modes.
In addition to that, you can create tables, modify styles,
And last but not least, it comes with spell checking, which gives you constant control over your content.

TinyMCE is one of the best Joomla content editor extensions available, and its basic version is built-in with your installation of Joomla (3+). Therefore it's very much used on sites. The Editor is free. Depending on what your needs are, you can buy add-ons and plugins to customize it according to your needs.
- Easy styling
- Useful buttons and drop-down menus on the top
- Plugins as add-on
- Well known
To do styling using TinyMCE is quite easy; it's easy to navigate on top with well-explained buttons, gives you excellent control over the content.
Also, it's new design is the right approach and appeal to the user in a modern but professional way.
It also features a bunch of premium features that have an improved copy-paste experience. You can easily copy the design, images, and text. Included, you also get the Spell Check feature. So you can weed out those typos.
The CodeMirror Editor is very handy-dandy if you, for example, only want to present plain text on your website. It can maybe be blogs with text content or as a frontpage text submitter.
- Brackets like interface
- HTML and Code markup
- Code folding
- Search and replace
The CodeMirror Editor is a raw code-editor for Joomla. Its power lies therefor in that you already know basic HTML/CSS-coding, which you don't need with other Editors
This said, it's always good to know some HTML coding fo have a website.
It has a large set of plugins that gives you better control over the coding. Which includes other language modes, Emmet, and others.