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Web Hosting in 2022

Having a good web hosting solution for your sites, either it is static or based on a CMS like Joomla, WordPress, or others, you have a lot of considerations to take into a factor. I will try in this article to guide you in the right direction towards modern hosting in 2022.

If you are looking for a place to host your blog, are a small business, or even a large international company that needs a website, you must rely on a company to have safe and fast enough platforms to give you the best service you require.

In 2022 we all depend on our sites to work and serve nearly 24 / 7 uptime; this said, no provider can guaranty to have 100% uptime, but most say they should give a rate of 99.99%, which is less than 53 minutes based on a year. Though this is impossible, we still believe it!

Remember to see our latest Joomla Override article!

Here, we introduce a few hosts that offer web hosting services, including DreamHost, A2Hosting, Hostgator,  and even less known as Scalahosting. We're focusing on commercial web service providers that offer VPS (Virtual Private Servers), shared, or Dedicated webhosting solutions.

Web Hosting in 2022: Look into a Data server senter

VPS, Dedicated or Shared hosting, which is best in 2022?

We all debate back and forth which hosting type boosts both reliability and maintainability. We all come back to two factors. Namely “Price” and “Easiness”. 

What are VPS servers?

A virtual private server (VPS) is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting company, which means that it is a virtual machine inside a network. Though it has its own operating software installed, it may have some restrictions. Read about VPS on Wikipedia

What are Dedicated server solutions?

A dedicated server or managed hosting service means that you, the client lease an entire server not shared with anyone else. This solution requires much more knowledge from the operator and is often more costly than a VPS. Read more on Wikipedia.

What are Shared servers?

A shared web hosting service is a service where many websites reside on one web server connected to the Internet. Though you may buy things like separate IP, Shared solutions are often considered to be much slower and less reliable than both VPSs, or Dedicated hosting. You can find more info on Shared solutions on Wikipedia.

Some random hosting companies

We will not rank these hosting providers but give a short intro to each of them. We can not cover all hosting services but cover some of them here.

Links to these hosting companies might contain Affiliate links; it helps this site stay on floating water.


Webhosting at DreamHost

The Dreamhost company were founded in 1996, and can therefore it is among the oldest hosting firm there is. They provide solutions like Shared, VPS, and Dedicated servers at fair and reasonable prices.


Webhosting at HostGator

HostGator was founded by Brent Oxley in 1996 when he was only 12 years old. He developed his interest in computers at a young age and wanted to start his website hosting service with his friend Justin Miller to learn more about how they worked. The company offers many solutions and has a top service reputation.


Webhosting at ScalaHosting

Shcalahosting was founded in 2007. They offer solutions in both Shared, Dedicated, and VPS solutions. Besides this, they have been a proud supporter and contributor to the Joomla community.


Webhosting at Rochen

Rochen, founded in 2003 and since 2005, has been a Joomla sponsor and a significant contribution to the Joomla project. Their solutions vary from Shared to Managed Server hosting. They are not cheap but have some large companies on their payroll.


Webhosting at A2 Hosting

When it comes to a web solution provider in the top niche, you will find the Solutions from A2 Hosting to be cost-effective and professional. They have an extensive range of products that give you everything from cheap shared hosting to Dedicated and VPS Servers.


A hosting solution is like marrying the one you love, and you would like to have a good relationship and get top service from your hosting partner. Therefore, it is crucial to take your time and look for what solutions each provider can give before you choose your provider.

This article is not a complete guide for hosting. There are 1000’s different hosts out there; just use Google to search.

The list above contains only high reputable hosting companies that offer products in the top-notch. We have only presented a few of the most popular service providers.

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