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Bootstrap: A powerfull Framework all built into Joomla By default

Joomla 4 comes packed with features by the core version. One of these features is the Bootst6rap Framework, which Joomla has added by default. Bootstrap has been around since 2011 and part of Joomla since version 3. The latest version, 5.1, is prebuilt into Joomla 4. When this…
Picture of hand drowning into the Dark Water

How to use Dark Mode in the Backend of Joomla 3, custom CSS

The dark mode is the new Black, and it keeps your eyes from getting light exhausting. And it also looks great in the browser. The Dark mode is not native in either Joomla 3 or Joomla 4 (as of my knowledge). But there is a solution if you don’t want to use a plugin for your…
Web engineering

How to use CSS to personalize each page in Joomla, see how

In Joomla, it’s possible to use CSS more effectively than most people realize. You can, if wanted personalize each page just by adding a CSS class to the menu link. Joomla offers in most modern templates the ability to target either the title or the page’s alias. It makes…

How to make a dropdown content slider? - Pure HTML and CSS

Is it possible to make content sliders using pure CSS & HTML only? - Read through and find out more. I will show you some smart tricks that make an awesome reusable slider using only HTMl & CSS. Have you ever written a long article with mutch specifications inside? - These…
Dual Screens - Responsive

Customize the Back-end of your Joomla template using CSS

Let's state it once and for all, the backend in Joomla is quite boring, but what if you can give it a more interactive and interesting look. This is quite easy to do using the backend modules and CSS. The reason for this article offsprings from a Youtube Video that shows the…

How to fix white space under an image using CSS and HTML

Have you ever been frustrated by styling a page for then realize that every image contains a white line underneath, I saw this trick on Youtube and tried it with Joomla. The result was that line disappeared. This issue resides from the early internet when we've to use inline…

How do I hide the annoying page title using pure CSS?

Have you ever made a website with Joomla and you are getting the title "Home" with a large h1-header-tag? You can either hide the tag completely on all content, or you must specify it to be hidden on every page/article you make. There is a third and maybe smarter way to do this.…
Man in front of a Computer screen

Three ways optimize the use of CSS in content with Joomla

< CSS has from the age of the Internet been a part of doing websites. It is an easy but useful way to design an article. There are several ways to write CSS in Joomla, you can use an external file to store all CSS codes in, you can use an extension to include the code, or you…
