RS FORM from RS Joomla is a powerful extension form builder with many extra and underrated features. In this article, we will explore some of these features, from using Google Docs and Google Sheets to using the inbuilt .PDF solution in RS Form.
Discover the truth behind Joomla!, the renowned content management system empowering countless websites globally. Unraveling prevalent misconceptions, this article delves into Joomla! 's functionality and user-friendliness to offer valuable insights. By debunking the top ten…
MigrateMe 4 is a commercial extension that can migrate Joomla websites from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4. It is a relatively easy-to-use extension that can migrate all files and data from a Joomla website, including the content, the modules, the plugins, and the settings.
Regular Labs - Advanced Module Manager is an extension designed to enhance the administration of Joomla modules. With its powerful features and user-friendly interface, it aims to give users more control over their modules and provide them with a better overall experience.
Articles Anywhere is a powerful Joomla plugin that allows you to insert articles anywhere on your site, including within modules, 3rd party components, and even inside other articles. You can place complete articles and only specific data (like Title, Readmore Link, Text,…
Regular Labs' DB Replacer is a Joomla extension that allows you to search and replace text in any table in your Joomla database. It even supports searching with case sensitivity and using regular expressions. DB Replacer is a great way to save time and effort when you need to…
Regular Labs' ReReplacer is a powerful tool that allows users to search and replace text in various contexts. With its advanced features, ReReplacer will enable users to efficiently manipulate content using regular expressions (regex).
Content will be of significant importance in 2024. Sometimes we often write the same code repeatedly, but with the Content templater Extension from Regular Labs, you can import a template just by clicking a button.
Icons have a significant visual effect to have on your website. Did you know that using an icon as a Custom Field is possible? - Creating an override for the Field layout is done in minutes. Since Font Awesome is included in Joomla's Cassiopeia template, we will use a template…
The Failed Login Attempts plugin gives you an overview of your failed logins, but you can make it even better by applying a simple override. The override provides a link to more information about who has tried to log in, and you can therefore use other extensions to block the…
If you own a website, you probably know that not all visitors have legit reasons to visit your website. There are both bots and humans that daily tries to get into your website without having an account.
Using custom characters in JCE Editor can be challenging, especially if you want to use symbols, not on the JCEs default list. There are two ways to do this. Special characters are often used in content to show something, but could you please explain how a field is inserted into…
Joomla 4 comes packed with features by the core version. One of these features is the Bootst6rap Framework, which Joomla has added by default. Bootstrap has been around since 2011 and part of Joomla since version 3. The latest version, 5.1, is prebuilt into Joomla 4. When this…
Subform fields are mighty, but did you know they look like a list? - Here, I will show you how you can spice up the look of your Subform. Although Subforms are not a new feature in Joomla 4 but were available already in Joomla 3, in Joomla 3, they were introduced as…
In Joomla, it is relatively easy to create CSS overrides. If you would like to change the color of the Invalidate Cache button, you can read on. How to create a CSS override in Joomla 4 Administrator (Atum - Template)? Joomla is built with the intention of user customization of…
Site caching is sometimes a web developer's nightmare. You can control the site reset using Invaliade Cache, a simple free module in the Administrator of Joomla.
You’ve probably heard that Joomla is a “free” platform. That’s true, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. You can download the software for free, and you can host Joomla sites for free on specific hosting platforms. However, if you want the best possible performance and…
Joomla is a fully grown CMS system that will be up-to-date on everything. The Joomla 4 version will be a considerable step toward WordPress popularity.
In Joomla 4, we were introduced to “subforms”, which are great for creating more user-friendly fields for your articles or page, containing the fields in the subform. The problem is that when you create a subform, the fields in the subform are divided by a comma. This doesn’t…
JCE Editor is more than a basic Editor for Joomla. You can give access to specific folders on the ROOT or even subfolders using the “Filesystem” in the JCE Profiles.
With the ability to use extensions in Joomla, it is often prevalent to install more extensions than necessary; this will usually result in a slower site. So here are my recommendations for the ten best Joomla extensions every Joomla site should 2023.
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is essential for becoming successful online. There are a high number of tools to help you in reaching your SEO goals. One of these tools is 4SEO from Weeblr.
JCE Editor is the best and most used Editor in Joomla; only TinyMCE as the core editor can beat it. Every Joomla site should have the JCE Editor installed because it is free and easy to use.
Having a good web hosting solution for your sites, either it is static or based on a CMS like Joomla, WordPress, or others, you have a lot of considerations to take into a factor. I will try in this article to guide you in the right direction towards modern hosting in 2022.
When you have a new Joomla Installation, the most annoying thing is that it doesn’t work as you would prefer. You may end up spending hours after hours trying to find the fault but end up banging your head in the wall. Here are 3 common reasons why your site Joomla site isn’æt…
If you have a custom.css file and would like to use JCE Editor to insert the CSS style classes to trigger CSS, this is how you can do this without knowing any HTML. Just follow these easy steps.
Is it possible to do things in Joomla Backend that is considered a hack! This tip from Basic Joomla is the answer, Yes!, there are several hidden possibilities in Joomla if you put your fingers into it.? - Here is how to use a hack for doing better Menu separator in Joomla. Here…
The dark mode is the new Black, and it keeps your eyes from getting light exhausting. And it also looks great in the browser. The Dark mode is not native in either Joomla 3 or Joomla 4 (as of my knowledge). But there is a solution if you don’t want to use a plugin for your…
One of the most common mistakes when creating a new Joomla site is not securing the Joomla-site both with Backup and Security Extensions. Having up-to-date security is essential for every site on the Internet, whether it’s a plain HTML site or a complex CMS system like Joomla or…
There are many Extensions for Joomla, both free and with a paid license. But there are a few that should be mandatory for every installation of Joomla. I will here make a list of those I think is essential when you start a website.
In Joomla, it’s possible to use CSS more effectively than most people realize. You can, if wanted personalize each page just by adding a CSS class to the menu link. Joomla offers in most modern templates the ability to target either the title or the page’s alias. It makes…
Is it possible to make content sliders using pure CSS & HTML only? - Read through and find out more. I will show you some smart tricks that make an awesome reusable slider using only HTMl & CSS. Have you ever written a long article with mutch specifications inside? - These…
The backend of Joomla can be very boring to look at. You can customize it as you like, by adding and replacing modules on the page. When you install the Joomla 3.x out off the box, you get two backend templates preinstalled, the main and mostly used template is Isis, this will…
Let's state it once and for all, the backend in Joomla is quite boring, but what if you can give it a more interactive and interesting look. This is quite easy to do using the backend modules and CSS. The reason for this article offsprings from a Youtube Video that shows the…
Have you ever been frustrated by styling a page for then realize that every image contains a white line underneath, I saw this trick on Youtube and tried it with Joomla. The result was that line disappeared. This issue resides from the early internet when we've to use inline…
Have you ever made a website with Joomla and you are getting the title "Home" with a large h1-header-tag? You can either hide the tag completely on all content, or you must specify it to be hidden on every page/article you make. There is a third and maybe smarter way to do this.…
< CSS has from the age of the Internet been a part of doing websites. It is an easy but useful way to design an article. There are several ways to write CSS in Joomla, you can use an external file to store all CSS codes in, you can use an extension to include the code, or you…
When you are about to change passwords in other ways that it's intended to do, you should always take in mind that it always is a security risk. You should therefore use extra care when you need to use these steps. These ways work in Joomla 2.5, 3.x, and 4.x. The tutorial is…
Extensions from Regular Labs is very easy to use, they come with great documentation, and are for the most self-explanatory. This is almost the case for this extension too. However, I decided to write a review and give you my thoughts.
The DB Replacer is another good extension from Regular Labs, this extension gives you complete control over the DataBase that your Joomla install is based on, without going into tools like phpMyAdmin that require a lot more knowledge.
The RSForm component from RSJoomla is a very powerful form-creator in Joomla. Besides collecting data to the database, you can send customized emails to both users and admins, and even to others.
RSForm from RSJoomla is a powerful Formmaker for Joomla, it gives many extras options, one of them, is the ability to send values in emails based on certain selections.
The Akeeba Admin Tools is a great addition to securing your Joomla CMS. But there are some features that need some tweaking for running smoother. One of these is an admin's ability to change a user in the back-end.
Custom Fields in Joomla is the new holy grail of customizing the look of your Joomla content. Its power lies in displaying prepared info into articles that can be specified by the author in all cases.
A template is the holy grail of a CMS-system; it lays out the structure of your website. But it's always possible to tweak the content and make it look better. All Modules, Components, or Plugins in Joomla can be changed using overrides. Though many sites may look good with the…
One of the most important things to have in mind when you deploy a new website is Backup policy. Akeeba Backup is a free Component from AkeebaBackup, which allows you to do secure backups and maintaining them for your Joomla site.
A tool for doing the heavy overview of how the admin area is secured is always useful to have. Admin Tools from Akeeba is one of these tools. With this Component, you will take the security up quite a few notches.
Let's state it once and for all, the backend in Joomla is quite boring, but what if you can give it a more interactive and interesting look. This is quite easy to do using the backend modules and CSS.
The reason for this article offsprings from a Youtube Video that shows the benefits of haveing an customized backend, and it explains the steps on how to do this. I will give you some other solutions and my own thoughts here, but the basis is the same.
How do i add an module to the Backend?
In the backend you will be able to ad an module as simple as doing it in the frontend. See this article on how to do this "How to create an Module in the Backend".
So what can i do? - This question is better answered by saying: - What would you like to see in the backend. If you like an Module to be displayed with a Custom look, you can add CSS to the Custom Module, to do this you go into the Backend template that you use.
The first thing to do is to add a CSS file to the backend template. The images below shows the steps to take to go to the backend template and create a file called "custom.css". You must use this name to get the customize CSS to work. The file is built in by default to almost every templates both frontend and backend.
{{snippet add-files-to-a-template}}
How to give the Mainpage of your Isis Backend a new look
Joomla out of the box has the opportunity to have custom a design in the Backend too. You don't have to create your own template or download any templates to do this, just use the Custom Module to display your content. JoomlaForever's Main Backend page now looks like this:
This is made by adding pictures with links to important bacikend pages, all by copying the links within the menues of Joomla Backend top menu. We add styles to page by refering to the styles class that is setup. The easiest way to do this is by wrapping the content parts into a DIV class, makeing sure that the class added don't exsists in the Joomla Core as default. and put your costomized content within this.
This way you can controll how the styles appear with the master class. You can read about this at MDN. To explain this i will give an example of my own Custom Module:
The Main Page of the Backend contains several Modules by default, to put an extra Module into the Mainpage, it's important to use the position "cpanel", this will display your Custom Module on the Backend's Mainpage. You can read more about how to create an Module in the Backend here
Code of the Custom Dashboard Isis template (the HTML) The [image] needes to be replaced with your own image
<div class="welcomescreen-homepage"> <h1><span style="color: #ff0000;">WELCOME TO JOOMLAFOREVER.COM! - BACKEND</span></h1> <p>This site is meant for giving the audience a new and more fun approach to Joomla. There will be articles that inspire others to begin with the awesome CMS-system Joomla is!</p> <p> </p> <div class="alert alert-success"> <h5 class="card-title">INFO MESSAGE</h5> <p class="card-text">Don't display in admin<br />#system-message-container .alert-success{display: none;}</p> </div> <div class="alert alert-info"> </div> </div>
If you change the main classes ".top-useful-links" for the Images and ".welcomescreen-homepage" for the Welcome Message, remember to change it in the CSS to
The CSS for the Mainpage
We also hide the "success"-message with CSS, but not the Error messages.
.top-useful-links {width: 100%;padding:2rem 0 0 0;} .top-useful-links ul {line-height: 1.5;vertical-align: middle;} .top-useful-links ul {display:flex;justify-content: space-between;}.top-useful-links ul li {list-style-type:none;padding-right: 2em;font-size:1.5rem;} .top-useful-links ul li {padding-right: 1.5rem;} .top-useful-links ul li .j-links-link {height: 25px;width: 25px;} .top-useful-links ul li img {height: 25px;width: 25px;} .top-useful-links img {width:100px;height:100px}
The main classes that we use is ".top-useful-links" for the Images and ".welcomescreen-homepage" for the Welcome Message. You can pick your own, but remember to use a value thats not in use in Joomla core.
Create a new look on other Backend pages
You can also change the look of your other pages, just by adding the same code or something else into an module with position "toolbar".
Our article list page now looks like this:
How to reorder the placements of things in Joomla
The order of things in Joomla is the same principle for all things (Modules, Plugins, Articles, and Categories), by default is set to descending (Desending - This means that the highest placement comes first on the page), but its posible to change this order.
By clicking the two arrows, you can drag the order of your Modules to be displayed.
Based on this Youtube Video from Basic Joomla Tutorials
You’ve probably heard or read it more than once: Joomla needs volunteers. Without people, new releases take longer and have less exciting features, documentation remains incomplete and bugs take forever to get fixed. But who do we need, and what would they be doing?
The JCM Team is proud to present you the January Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine, the very first edition of 2025. Check out what this issue has to offer!